Thursday, November 1, 2012

The morning race

I am not a morning person, that is putting it mildly.  I'm really more of a don't talk to me, don't look at me, don't even think about joking with me kind of morning person.  Both V's on the other hand, wake up bright eyed and ready to tackle the day. (We are not too sure about baby R just yet, but it's looking like he takes after the cheery two.)  Because of this combination of 'attitudes,' mornings can be kind of interesting around here.  They usually go a little something like this...

The alarm goes off before the sun rises (why do we do anything before the sun comes up, who's bright idea was that?) and little V happily bounces into our room, "Mom time to get dressed," she says.  I sleepily follow her into her room, where I crawl into her bed and slide under the covers while she gets dressed.  Then I slide out of her bed and somehow find my way to the coffee.  We fry eggs or make oatmeal depending on the mood, make a healthy lunch, get the backpack packed, come up with a hair-do, make the bed, and brush teeth. All the while big V is on baby R duty, diapering and feeding. It is a carefully executed, highly choreographed routine that gets us out the door at precisely 7:25 every school day.  We must never be late, little V, at a young age, has learned the importance of not just being on time but being early, she runs on Lombardi time.  This routine will get her into her classroom at 7:50, allowing her 10 minutes to complete her morning work and squeeze in a little socializing before the pledge of allegiance.

But this morning there was a slight hiccup.  We had the duties at the house covered, we got out the door at the right time.  This was something we never saw coming... a train!

According to little V, it was the slowest moving train she has ever seen.  With every second that passed her voice got  a little more concerned.  It was as if with each passing train car I could sense her blood pressure rising.  "Mom, we are going to be late.  Can't you go around?"  Unfortunately, there is no way to get around the train, our only option is to wait it out.  We can handle this, "we still have plenty of time," I try to explain to her.  I feel her calm down as the railroad crossing lights stop flashing and we begin moving.  But it seems we are not the only ones affected by the train, the back up of traffic into school is longer than usual.  Oh no, here we go with her blood pressure again.  I guess it's not just her blood pressure, someone in a car somewhere behind us honks their horn.  And then, the moment I never saw coming, my sweet little V turns around in her seat and shouts to the car behind us, "I KNOW you are not honking at us! Get a grip buddy!"

I guess I better look online for a train schedule, we don't need that kind of drama in the mornings.

Needless to say, we still made it to school on time, I guess there was just a little less socializing this morning.


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