Thursday, March 29, 2012


Little V has a new  Yep, the girl is learning all about buying her own goods.  She wants to do it herself, buy her own toys, hot lunch, dollar spot goodies. There must be some serious recess talk going on about allowance, because little V came home one day with a plan. 
"Mom, what do I have to do for an allowance?"
I held back the, "what-who-how did she find out I should pay her for helping around the house shock" and calmly told her  I would talk to her Dad and we'd come up with something.
So, here's the run down:  little V has to make her bed everyday and do a few easy things on a regular basis (take out the recycling/garbage, load the dishwasher) for a weekly payday.  She can make a little extra for doing big stuff (vacuuming, mopping.) 

So far, I am really enjoying her new found interest...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Family Game Night (and a winner!)

There is a new favorite game in this house, so long UNO! 

(Our own homemade version, no fancy cards or egg timers here!)
Little V thinks it's the best thing since sparkly nail polish, even baby R is getting in on the action!

(by the way, don't you just think little V's boots with the dress is just so Molly Ringwald in the Breakfast Club?!?  Big V and I are getting the biggest kick out of this latest fashion adventure!)

And the winner is...
Amy W. is the winner of the kit to make these pendants.  Amy- I'll be in touch, congrats!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

aren't they sweet?!?

We are really loving this crazy summer weather in March!  Hope you are spending lots of time outside soaking up the sunshine too!

Just a reminder... If you want to be entered in the drawing to win the supplies to make those pendants, you need to sign up to follow the blog before Thursday night!  Little V will be drawing the name of the winner out of a hat before bedtime!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

4 months

Can you believe this little guy is 4 months old already?!?

I would love to tell you that we have fallen into a beautiful rhythm of life with a baby and a kindergardener, but the truth is that everyday we are flying by the seat of our pants (if we remember to put said pants on!)  Yes, things are pretty crazy around here, but this little guy is just about the happiest baby on the planet and we are all really enjoying every single smile and chuckle he makes.

He has gotten so big, so fast!  Aren't those chubby thighs just the best?!?

That super cool quilt he is playing on was made by little V and I before his birth.  A special gift that she presented to him when they first met.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Free stuff for you!

I have to share with you our most recent project... It was about the easiest little craft project I've ever done, and it turned out so cute (if I do say so myself!)

They are cute little photo pendants!  I did a pic of the kids, little V used some cool origami paper.  I got the idea and instructions from this website (of course I found it on pinterest.)  They were so easy to put together, we went ahead and made a whole slew of them for Mother's Day gifts.  (Sorry to ruin the surprise moms & grandmas!) 

Now here's the cool part for you, I scored a whole extra set of the goodies to make these pendants!  Who wants it?!?  Yep, this is my first official give-away...

If you want this cute little kit to make some cool pendants for you & yours, sign up to follow my blog. Little V will pick a name out of a hat from the followers next Thursday.  (Sorry, no commenting on facebook for this one, I need you guys to sign up through my blog to follow me.  I promise, just this once, it's okay to be a follower!) 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


 Her constant excitement for life and inquisitive wonder inspire me on a daily basis.  Her endless creativity is awe inspiring.  I love the little person she has become and am so incredibly proud of the positive way she sees everything around her.  Her sense of humor is unstoppable.  Every second I spend with her is an adventure.  My life was changed in the best way imaginable on the day she was born. 
Happy Sixth Birthday, little V!
I love you more than you will ever know.