Friday, April 13, 2012


I've always believed in the power of breastfeeding, the magic of mama's milk.  I believe it makes stronger, healthier, smarter kids.  I am not, however, one of those crazy 'milk nazi's.'  If it doesn't work for you & your baby, don't do it because in this house we live by the creed "if mama ain't happy-no one's happy."  I enjoyed nursing little V.  she liked but was always ready to move on to the next thing (much like her personality now!)  But this baby of mine, this chubby little ball of happiness, he could be the poster child for nourishment by way of mama.  He get's so excited to nurse, grabs onto my shirt while he's feeding with those chubby little hands as if to say "thank you mama!"  I find the quiet time shared during his feedings are providing nourishment for the both of us in many more ways than just nutrition.  These quiet moments have become moments I really look forward to.  Of course they provide time for baby R and I to build the mother & child bond, but they also provide time for me to be still.  (Still can be so hard when there are two kids, a dog, a home, and a business all needing attention.)  In these  still moments I am given time to reflect, reflect on all of the wonder of our lives - a growing curious 6 year old, a wonder of a happy baby boy, the changing of our future lives, and the deepening bonds of our marriage.  This time when he is small will go by so fast, I want to always remember these quiet little moments of our life right now.  In these moments of reflection I find myself always left feeling recharged and immensely grateful.  Grateful for all of the love that abounds in this little family of ours.  Nourishment in so many forms...