Sunday, October 21, 2012

a Sunday from Scratch

As usual, little V woke me up, yes it was still dark out, but I got up without too much fuss.  Good thing too, as we let the dog out for his morning business we were lucky enough to catch a view of a shooting star.  "Quick, grab a jacket!" said little V.  Onto the deck just in time to see another one!  Talk about a great way to start the day.  With the coffee pot going and the pancakes being made, little V made her very own constellation book.  And so the day began...

After pancakes came the usual Sunday business, news, laundry, dirty diapers, more coffee, baby giggles, jenga, and a trip to the grocery store.  Little V was my sidekick and in the midst of all that we also activated some yeast, mixed the dough, and set it in the corner to rise for what would be a loaf of homemade bread.

Lunch, coloring, homemade pop tarts (can you say heaven?!?), nap time, baked the bread, roasted a chicken, a game of secret spies, made a pot of soup, folded laundry, played outside, watched baby R explore by the lake, had a glass of wine with big V as the sun set, enjoyed an apple-goodness desert, brushed teeth, read books, and bedtime for the kiddos.

Today was the best kind of Sunday.

Oh yeah, we made butter too. 
(Not even kidding!)

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