Sunday, October 21, 2012

a Sunday from Scratch

As usual, little V woke me up, yes it was still dark out, but I got up without too much fuss.  Good thing too, as we let the dog out for his morning business we were lucky enough to catch a view of a shooting star.  "Quick, grab a jacket!" said little V.  Onto the deck just in time to see another one!  Talk about a great way to start the day.  With the coffee pot going and the pancakes being made, little V made her very own constellation book.  And so the day began...

After pancakes came the usual Sunday business, news, laundry, dirty diapers, more coffee, baby giggles, jenga, and a trip to the grocery store.  Little V was my sidekick and in the midst of all that we also activated some yeast, mixed the dough, and set it in the corner to rise for what would be a loaf of homemade bread.

Lunch, coloring, homemade pop tarts (can you say heaven?!?), nap time, baked the bread, roasted a chicken, a game of secret spies, made a pot of soup, folded laundry, played outside, watched baby R explore by the lake, had a glass of wine with big V as the sun set, enjoyed an apple-goodness desert, brushed teeth, read books, and bedtime for the kiddos.

Today was the best kind of Sunday.

Oh yeah, we made butter too. 
(Not even kidding!)

a Summer re-cap

Because this blog is a journal for our family life, and because so much has happened in the last few months, I need to take a minute to jot it all down somewhere.  So here is the cliff notes of summer 2012...

School finished for the year, the dance season ended and we headed to the windy city...

Of course, we had to go to the American Girl doll store.  (What a place that is!  Who knew dolls need skateboards, but thank goodness our doll got her hair done!)

We headed out to Camp for the 4th of July.

We hit the beach in Virginia...

baby R's first dip in the ocean!

We packed up all of our belongings and...

have settled into lake life.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The blog is back!

WELL!  It has been far too long since I have taken the time to sit down and record the happenings in this household.   
With everyday that passes I am becoming more and more aware of how quickly my kids are growing up. While I would prefer to stomp my foot and insist all of this growing business comes to a complete stop, I have decided, rather, to get back in the habit of writing about our life.  Hoping that the time it takes me to write about it all will also provide a few extra moments for me to savor their childhoods.  Because in the blink of an eye my little V is now six (and a big time 1st grader!) and my little baby R is about to celebrate his first birthday.  

Why can't I just make time stop?!?