Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Super Sunday

This past Sunday was Super.  Yes, it was the super bowl (Way to go, Giants!) but it was super for another reason around here.  Little V and I did something we haven't done in far too long, we spent a day together, creating.  Nothing but me and little V getting crafty.  What did we make?  A lot of things actually, but it wasn't the final products that were the important part.  The important part was the togetherness.  It was a great day. 
In all honesty, I would like  you to believe that this day of mommy daughter bonding time was just a slice of our happy perfect little family life.  But the reality is (as I'm sure all parents out there have experienced) this quiet day of creating was born out of a punishment.  Yep, little V's sassy little mouth got her into some trouble.  The punishment, a day with absolutely no TV.  (Strange that it was Super Bowl Sunday, huh?) 
Funny how that "punishment" helped me to get things back into focus too.  A day without TV was just what the doctor ordered...

In case you were wondering what we did make, here's the list: a patchwork pillow, two hand-stitched stuffies, heart shaped crayons, a giant picture, homemade bread, and clam chowder!  Hope your Super Bowl Sunday was super too!

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