Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Super Human Strength

It's Saturday night, we have just returned home after a fun filled evening with friends.  The kids are snuggled into their beds, warm and cozy.  The eleven o'clock news is on and I'm anxiously awaiting the start of SNL while nestled warm under the covers.  Uh-oh, I left some bags in the car.  One of those bags contains the breast milk I pumped earlier in the day, other wise known as liquid gold, not a single ounce can go to waste!  I look at my hubby, also warm in bed, and ask him to go downstairs into the cold garage to fetch it out of the back of the car.  What a great guy; downstairs he goes, into the frigid night. 

Then I hear it, an incredibly loud clattering, the entire house rattles.  I can't believe my kids are not wide awake screamin' for momma.  Big V comes upstairs in a huff, throwing on jeans and warmer clothes.
 "What happened?" I ask. 
His response, "the garage door fell down." 
"What?!?"  And then, the response any caring wife would offer to her frantic husband, "is my Yukon okay?!?"  Yep, that's right, I sent my wonderful husband into the cold dark night to fetch the breast milk, the thousand pound garage door falls, and my first concern is my truck...
I am currently accepting nominations for wife of the year.

Somehow, big V managed to lift the door and back my precious Yukon out of the garage, it was parked in the garage when it fell.  (I will always wonder how he managed that, could it have been one of those moments of super human strength in the face of sheer panic?)  For the meantime, our garage door is very 'classily' roped up, appearing closed and functioning. 

The repairman comes tomorrow.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What to make...

Lately I have a very strong desire to make things.  Knitting, sewing, crafting, organizing, gardening, decorating, cooking, baking, I want to do it all.  (I blame pinterest, I am on pinterest overload.  I really think I need an intervention!) 

I would be getting a lot of these ideas accomplished if it weren't for this little face...

But I am going to make this...

Lemon Meringue Pie with Graham Crust

Big V asked for lemon meringue pie.
I'll let you know how it turns out!

How about you, are you making anything these days?  Are you obsessed with pinterest too?  What is distracting you lately?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I have a dream.  (No, this isn't my Martin Luther King moment!)  I have a dream of a house, a house on a lake.  With a backyard that gently slopes down to the lake, with a few big old trees.  One tree close enough to the waters edge that the rope swing hanging from it shoots you out over the water.  There is a dock at the water's edge, the kind of dock that you can stand on the end and cast a fishing pole, jump in to cool off in the heat of summer and sit on to lace up ice skates in the winter.  There is also a deck on the back of the house.  A deck that all of my family and friends can fit on, to eat and drink and watch the kids fish and swim and ice skate.  The deck leads into the house, right into the family room and kitchen.  (Yep, the kitchen over looks the lake!)  The house is filled with all of the things that define our family.  Not settings from Pottery Barn or any other furniture store, but the couch that is worn from all of the family movie nights, slightly stained here and there from juice and magic markers.  The walls are covered not with fancy art, but with pictures of our family made by our kids.  Shelves are filled with treasures found on our travels, items we fell in love with that could not be left behind, books that we have read a million times and will read a million more.  There is a fireplace that we gather around, to play games, draw pictures, and talk about our dreams.  Upstairs are the bedrooms.  Rooms that express our kids interests.  Little V's room is filled with purple and fuschia, turquoise and chandeliers.  Mermaids or an enchanted forest of fairies.  Baby R's room, who knows,   maybe walls covered with snowboarders?  Our room is a quiet, peaceful place for big V and I to end the day.  And there is another room, a room for anyone who wants to stay.  A room filled with comfy blankets and pillows, ready and waiting for family in from out of town, friends needing to crash after a fun filled day on the lake. 
Sounds like a pretty incredible house, doesn't it?  I will find it...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


After days like today, wine is the only way to wrap up the night.  In fact, it is such an essential ingredient to the end of day madness that no fancy wine glass is required.
Cheers to you all!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentines Day!
Hope your day is filled with love.

Monday, February 13, 2012


It was a very long weekend.  My studio girls had their first competition of the year (they did awesome by the way), we got our first official snow of the year (at least the first snow worth anything), the V's hit the slopes for the first runs of the year, and baby R has his first official cold.  All of this has led to one of "those kind of Mondays."  Appointments, snot, major to-do lists and general tiredness are making for a bit of a blah start to this week.  Not to mention, I haven't even started little V's Valentines Day gift... uh-oh!  I need to focus on all that sunshine outside to snap me out of this!

How is your Monday?  Do you have a case of the blah's today too?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Super Sunday

This past Sunday was Super.  Yes, it was the super bowl (Way to go, Giants!) but it was super for another reason around here.  Little V and I did something we haven't done in far too long, we spent a day together, creating.  Nothing but me and little V getting crafty.  What did we make?  A lot of things actually, but it wasn't the final products that were the important part.  The important part was the togetherness.  It was a great day. 
In all honesty, I would like  you to believe that this day of mommy daughter bonding time was just a slice of our happy perfect little family life.  But the reality is (as I'm sure all parents out there have experienced) this quiet day of creating was born out of a punishment.  Yep, little V's sassy little mouth got her into some trouble.  The punishment, a day with absolutely no TV.  (Strange that it was Super Bowl Sunday, huh?) 
Funny how that "punishment" helped me to get things back into focus too.  A day without TV was just what the doctor ordered...

In case you were wondering what we did make, here's the list: a patchwork pillow, two hand-stitched stuffies, heart shaped crayons, a giant picture, homemade bread, and clam chowder!  Hope your Super Bowl Sunday was super too!