It's hard to believe that the end of November disappeared in the blink of an eye. I typically spend the month of November doing a daily thankful post on my facebook, but in the midst of waiting for baby to arrive the thankfulness got lost in the shuffle. Now, here I sit on December 1st with the most fantastic baby boy wrapped up and cozy on my chest. So I have decided to do one major Thankful post.
I am thankful for...
~the the fast arrival of a very perfect baby R. These newborn cuddles, squeaks, feedings, and even cries are some of the best moments life has to offer. I can't believe we thought our family was complete without this guy! It's hard to believe how much you can love someone you just met. I am trying my hardest to remember every moment of this newborn time, it goes by so fast.
~my wonderful and supportive husband, who endured what seemed like the longest last month of pregnancy ever! And then survived a very fast yet emotional delivery. The amzing man who after delivery spent two weeks showering me and our kids with unadulterated attention. The man who continues to bring me water whenever I ask, tell me what time it is, make sure I'm eating enough, and find many little ways to make life with a newborn a little bit less hectic. This man also didn't tell me I was crazy when I laughed while simultaneously crying about what we have gotten ourselves into.
~my amazing daughter, who has accepted this little baby into our lives like the true rockstar she is. It is so incredible to see her immediate love for him. She is already protecting him and trying very hard to teach him about every single thing we do.
~my family, all of them! For the showering of love on our family. The quick visits from close by family, the dinners from family a little farther away, and the 26 lb. turkey from 400 miles away. This quiet time with baby has been so nice to share with all of you. Thank you for the love, the extra hands to hold this little guy, and the extra attention for the new big sister.
~my incredible friends who have not stopped sending good thoughts, little notes, thoughtful gifts, wonderful meals, treats, and more love to our little family. I know I haven't been great at returning phone calls, writing thank you notes, and answering facebook messages these last couple weeks, but I promise, I will!! I will figure out when each and every one of you can come over to check out our little man!
~my awesome girls at the studio. Thank you for understanding why I need this time off, thank you for making me smile with all of your questions, and thank you for the warm welcome back the other night. I truly love each and every one of you, and you all make me feel so lucky to be able to share what I love with you. I always thought that was just dance, but it turns out we get to share so much more with each other, don't we?
Thank you thank you thank you! I have so much to be thankful for, this is just the tip of the iceberg...
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