Friday, September 23, 2011

A special friend

I have a very special friend.  She is the kind of friend who always seems to know when you need a little pick-me-up.  Out of the blue you will check your facebook and there is the nicest note you have ever received.  It can be the busiest time of your year and there she is with a little gift and a note.  Not just a note, the kind of note that ressures you that someone is noticing all your hardwork, not just noticing but appreciating. 

This friends also knows one of my favorite things to do is knit, so she surprised me last June with a gift certificate to my favorite neighborhood yarn shop. After much deliberation, I chose the perfect pattern, found the perfect yarn.  You see, I wanted this to be the kind of pattern that I would use all the time.  I needed the yarn to be soft enough for everyday, and bright enough to make me smile.  I knew that everytime I would wear this I would think of my friend and how wonderful she is.  There needed to be a little of her sunshine in this yarn and this project.

Here is what I ended up with...

It's beautiful isn't it?  I think the colors are perfect.  And soft, it's a blend of alpaca, silk, and cashmere.  (I don't really think it gets any softer!)

And here is what I made...

It's this pattern.  It's part scarf, part shawl, the weave is open enough to wear in the spring, and it can be wrapped up to keep me warm in the winter.

I think it's perfect (just like my friend.)  I am very lucky.

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