Every morning we start our day in the same way. Little V wakes me up (yes, it is always me she wakes up, we'll talk about that another day!), we head downstairs, and she goes directly for her crayons or colored pencils. Somedays she simply colors in a favorite coloring book, sometimes it may be a colorful family portrait, and other days it is a colorful picture of what she has dreamed about. Regardless of the day of the week, every morning the first thing she does is create something. I love this habit. For so many reasons, it gives me the quiet time that this "non-morning person" needs to get a cup of coffee and come to life, it provides insight into her little creative mind, and this is a wonderful thing that we share every morning. My favorite days are when she wakes up and immediately knows exactly what color to go for to get last nights dream onto paper.
So where is the Friday Favorite in this? A wonderful website called Stubby Pencil Studio is one of my favorite places to load up on art supplies. It is an online eco-friendly kids art supply store, in other words, Little V's supplier of color and mommy's supplier of morning time magic! It is a great website to surf through and find great gifts for the little people in your life. (Just be forewarned friends, you will probably find your childs Christmas and/or Birthday gift that they received from us!)
Some have stories, some are simple, but they are all wonderful in my eyes.
Does anyone have any storage ideas for artwork? I just can't bear to part with any of them and there is ALOT of artwork around this house!
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