Sunday, January 29, 2012

Off the needles

I have realized that it has been quite some time since I've posted about my knitting.   Just because I haven't posted does not mean the needles have slowed down.  (In reality, they have slowed considerably, it's not so easy to knit with a new baby in the house!)  There were some Christmas knits gifted this year and a couple projects already started and finished in the new year.  Here are just a few of the knitted goods spotted around the house lately...

Little V's Christmas mitts,

baby R's Christmas sweater,

Little V's tunic (there will be another post about this, it's a long story...),

a quick winter hat,

and a headband for me.

There are a couple projects on the needles currently and there were a lot more knits handed out to friends over the holidays.  I need to work on getting things photographed! 

All of my project notes are over on ravelry for my fellow knitters.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


This past Sunday, the V's made a little project for themselves.  You never know what will happen when these two put their heads together... 

A factory, a castle, a house, two cars, a lake with a dock, lots of trees, a huge sun, and an igloo.  They made a village!  (Well, a diorama of a village!)

The my little pony's and polly pockets promptly took up residency.

The polly pockets had quite the afternoon!  (As did both V's!)

Big V then used the diorama to teach little V all about perspective in photography while using her new camera.  Thanks for the great pics, little V!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Coneys and memories...

As you drive down the main drag of the town I currently live in and grew up in there is a little place with a big hot dog sign out front. You know those hot dogs with sunglasses on? Yep, it's one of those kind of hot dog signs. The parking lot is small, just like the building, and there is always a car for sale out front. The inside is covered with movie memorabilia and kitschy collectibles. (When I say the inside is covered, I don't mean the cute Max & Erma's kind of wall hangings, I mean every free bit of space on the walls and ceiling is covered with something. I've been going there my entire life and every time I notice something I haven't seen before.) There is only room for a few people at a time, 5 booths and 6 stools at the "bar" total. The menu is simple, coneys, burgers, grilled cheese, and fries cooked up right in front of you. You can also get a Vernors float or a chocolate milkshake with sprinkles. This place is Walt's and I promise you, they serve up the BEST coneys. Coneys and memories...
When I was a kid, every once in a while my Bumpa would pick me up from school. (Bumpa is my grandfather, in case you're wondering.) Whenever I would come out of school and see his red GMC Jimmy, I knew it was coney time. We would always go to Walt's. The order was always the same, two coneys with everything for Bumpa, a coney with no onions for me, and an order of chili cheese fries to share. We would sit and talk about things, sometimes big things like what was going on in my family or at school, other days it was simple things like the weather and when spring would come, sometimes we would just sit and look at all of the stuff hanging on the walls. To me, Walt's was our spot, my favorite place to spend an afternoon with my Bumpa.
These lunches with my Bumpa at Walt's continued through college and into adulthood. If we couldn't get to Walt's, then we run through their drive thru. (The Walt's drive thru is really just a window that opens and a sign on the outside of the building, but it works!) Just a few weeks ago I went through the drive thru and delivered the goodness right to Bumpa's favorite chair.
Nowadays, Walt's is one of little V's favorite spots. We go there whenever she has a half day. The order is always the same, a plain hot dog for little V, a coney with no onions for me, and an order of chili cheese fries to share. We sit and talk about things, sometimes big things like a new baby, sometimes small things like the weather and if it is ever going to snow, sometimes she asks me about all of the stuff on the walls. I hope that Walt's will always be a special place for her too.
Whenever we go I think about those afternoons with my Bumpa, how much I learned on those afternoons, how much I enjoyed those afternoons, how much I now cherish the memories of those afternoons. And I always notice something new amongst the stuff on the walls, today it was a signed Mohammed Ali photo.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Toothless Grins

The breakfast dishes are on the counter, the coffee table is covered with the remains of little V's activities- books, beads, and magic markers, the beds are un-made, the dog wants out, both V's are en route to school, and I am in need of a shower.  But here I sit, with baby R on my lap, making faces and silly sounds.  In return, I am enjoying one of the greatest gifts of parenthood, tons and tons of toothless grins...

Those cheeks are just outta control, aren't they?!? 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Whole Year

It has been a whole year since I started blogging.  I initially started this as a way to remind myself of all I have to be thankful for, the big things like a healthy new baby and the little things like stories at bedtime.  A year later this blog has become more than that to me.  It has become our family scrapbook (since I'm really awful at actual scrapbooking!)  A way to record the fun things we do as a family, the moments we share.  It has also become a record of our creations whether it is my knitting or little V's art work.  I like what it has become, I really enjoy taking the time to write and reflect. 

I hope that you are enjoying reading as much as I am enjoying writing.  Let me know, if you want to keep reading I'll keep up with the sharing... (You can vote over to the right --->>>)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Happy New Year!

Here we are, a new year in front of us.  I have so much to be thankful for when I reflect on the past year.  (If you've been reading along you know what a great year it has been.  Thanks for reading along, by the way!)  There have been great trips, lots of creating, incredible times with family and friends, birthday celebrations, success at the studio, and a new baby! 

As the new year unfolds, I am realizing I have everything I could ever dream of needing.  The things I want are just that, things.  So for 2012 I am going to make an effort to remember that I have what I truly need.  My hope is that by realizing the difference between my wants and my needs, I can learn to simplify.  (I'm hoping this will also be a lesson for Little V, who was ridiculously spoiled by everyone around her this holiday season, her head still hasn't stopped spinning!)

How about you, do you make New Year's resolutions?  What is yours for 2012?  Please share...